
Rapid Back-End (PDF)



ISBN: 978-1-7334424-2-8

Published Date: August 10, 2023

Rapid Back-End was designed with software engineers in mind. It is a tool that when deployed will give you the power and flexibility needed for a modern API solution. The core technologies of Rapid Back-end are: TypeScript, JWTs, AWS CDK, Serverless, Serverless Offline, API Gateway, Lambda, Jest, and MongoDB. If you are requiring use of a SQL type datastore then you can easily change your deployment to use either flavor of SQL that you desire.

Going serverless can lead to many functions and an increased surface area making a growing system more difficult to maintain. Functions as Microservices (FaMS) with Rapid Back-End are the best option. Enjoy built-in auth, easy routing, and modular components.